Friday, August 6, 2010

Six Steps To Single-point Control SSL Certificate

 A Guide to Single-Point Control   
What begins as a single Web server can quickly grow into a server farm, and what began as a local company can quickly become a global enterprise. Such growth requires systems administrators to suddenly manage several administrators. Before such a crisis hits, an organization should take control of SSL across the enterprise and create a better management system following these six steps.

+ Six Steps To Single-point Control 
This guide shows IT professionals how to consolidate their SSL Certificates into a single, Web-based management system using VeriSign® Managed PKI for SSL to acquire, issue, and manage all types of SSL Certificates across the \whole enterprise.

1. Perform an audit of all domains and SSL certificates.

2. Confirm contact information on all SSL certificates.

3. Migrate all SSL certificates into a managed account.

4. Define an  SSL Certificate administrative process for your organization.

5. SLL regular reports on available units and renewals.

6. Revoke and replace SSL certificates as needed

While paper :Taking Control of SSL Certificates While Improving Security and Reliability

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